Doggy Baggage

If you’re looking for a way to carry all the accoutrements you need when going out and about with your canine friend easily and attractively—you have to check out the line of bags from Doggy Baggage. Featured in PetsWeekly’s Holiday Showcase in November 2010 newsletter (if you missed it, you can subscribe here), these bags are sturdy, roomy and extremely cute.
The bag that I got my hands on is the large tote in natural and cranberry with the “Paws&Bones” pattern. I fell in love immediately – at a cost of only $49.95, how could you not love it immediately? Besides how adorable the bag looks, and how affordable it is, it has plenty of room (and pockets) on the inside (18”W x 12”H x 6”D) to hold food, water, dishes, your own personal items (for those days when it would be easier just to have everything in one bag), as well as any other larger items you might want to bring along.
The five different pleated pockets on the back and front of the bag keep smaller items like treats, pet waste disposal bags, travel wipes and smaller bottles of water handy. It’s absolutely perfect for traveling with one or more dogs.
In the event you need something a little smaller, Doggy Baggage currently has 3 other bags available, a duffel bag, a small version of the tote bag, and a pouch. At 13” x 8”, the pouch fits in any of the other bags and is perfect for holding medications, your pet’s Wag’N Pet Passport and any other small items that you don’t want to risk falling out of the bag and being lost.
The colors vary, but the large tote is available in Pink/green “scattered bones” pattern, Natural/Cranberry Paws&Bones” pattern, Black/White with red lining “Paws” pattern and Red/Gray “Herring Bones” pattern.
The large Doggy Baggage Tote will make a wonderful and thoughtful gift for a canine-inclined family member or friend—one they won’t want to keep hidden in a closet. It’s perfect for carting all of your “big dog” supplies around during a day at the beach, or if you have a smaller dog that absolutely has to be carried around, this is the bag you will want.
We found it came in handy when carting around supplies for three foster puppies. All in all, it’s an adorable little way to show off your love of animals. It’s sturdy, won’t break en route, and holds up to the toughest pets.
This is “the” bag for keeping everything centrally located – making it a lot easier to just keep a back-up of all your pet’s favorite products in a bag that you can grab-and-go. Perfect for days at the beach, dropping dogs off at daycare, an emergency kit, or travel.
Congratulations, DoggyBaggage – you have a winner!