The Kindness of Seven Strangers

They say that seven is a lucky number. It certainly was this past Sunday in Phoenix, Arizona for newly named “Sumit” the kitten.
His desperate cries penetrated the shopping center walls and could be heard by shoppers. He was trapped within the wall of a vacant retail space next to Sumit’s Yoga, where Star Simmons could hear his screaming.
It was obvious the kitten was in trouble,” said Ms. Simmons, who learned that for three days it had been crying for help.
Star made several requests to the center’s property manager and maintenance person for help but was turned down repeatedly. The best and easiest way to rescue the kitten would have been to make a small opening in the drywall, something which property management would not allow. After three days without food and water, she realized time was running out.
There was only about a four and a half inch gap below the exterior bay window extension and the wall where the kitten’s cries were coming from. Ms. Simmons tried multiple times to reach in, but with no success.
Then fate stepped in, in the form of seven strangers.
At first, it was one person, then two, then four more; all ages, any ethnicity, every backgrounds Each person offered suggestions and tried new tactics. Some arms were too short to reach far enough down into the gap. Flashlights and a mirror were located; calls were made to rescue organizations. At times, the situation seemed impossible, but one thing was certain: this group was not going to give up.
After nearly four hours, success finally came with the help of three agile young women, two of which blocked off each side of the gap. This allowed the third to reach through the small crevice, grab the tiny kitten and pull him out.
Sumit is currently with Star and she is looking for a “forever” home for him.
At a time of year when stress overwhelms us in so many ways, Sumit gave seven strangers a gentle reminder that one of the greatest gifts we can give…is a simple act of kindness.
Read more rescue stories:
- An Open Letter to Animal Rescuers
- You Can’t Save Them All
- The Problem with Kittens
- Free Kittuns…
- Reading to Pets in Rescue