If you know anything about me, you know I’m not a huge fan of dressing up my pets. It’s just not something I grew up doing. I’ve spent most of my life with large dogs. ...
This week, we were able to look at some “traditional” tags that are truly unconventional. Every animal needs an ID tag on their collar. It doesn't matter if they are microchipped or wearing a GPS ...
We get a lot of products in for review. A lot... People want to get word out about their products and we do our best to help them by letting you know about them. It's ...
Much like pit bulls (and Rotties and Shepherds and Dobies), spike collars have gotten a bad rap over the years. There is a lot more to this collar than meets the eye and like the ...
This month, we have been discussing collars – history of collars, the different functions of collars, and even how you can keep your pets safe from coyotes and other predators with collars. As you can see, there ...
While we were at Global Pet Expo this week, we picked up on a few of the newest trends for pets that we believe we'll be seeing a lot of in 2013. Here they are ...
If you’ve ever wondered what the first dog collars in history looked like, you’ll have to travel to Leeds Castle in Kent, England to view the most extensive collection of antique dog collars. In the ...
We live in an age of luxurious simplicity and nothing reflects that more than our pets collars. They all still serve a function, but these days we are seeking out collars that reflect a message ...
No matter where you live, you’ve probably encountered coyotes. This is why we wrote this guide for protecting pets from coyotes and other predators. Whether its porcupine, coyotes, bobcats, bears, or lions. We live in ...