Zombiez Pet Toys from Quaker Pet

We just got the brand new line of Go Dog™ Zombiez™ Crawlerz Halloween pet toys in for review from Quaker Pet Group and the dogs couldn’t be more pleased!
Zombies are all the rage this year, what with The Walking Dead series from AMC starting back up on October 14 and the “zombie apocalypse” on its way to us soon, so we think it’s a good idea if our pets are fully trained on how to dispose of the pesky critters. So these Zombiez pet toys are perfect for training!
The truth is, only a few companies really have pet toy manufacturing figured out and Quaker Pet Group is one of those companies.
The GoDog line of pet toys is not only fun and creative, they are tough as well. In fact, Quaker Pet Group is so confident about their Chew Guard technology that they guarantee their pet toys – meaning they will replace any toy your dog destroys! You can’t get much more confident than that.
Our most accomplished zombie destructor is Cheiss, and as he is an expert chewer (with over ten years of focused experience), he did manage to chew through the Zombiez toy he received (it was the blue one, one of my personal favorites). It was gutted in less than an hour. However, he is the exception to the rule – Brock and Bree did perfectly fine with theirs, despite ongoing attempts at decapitation. We’re hoping that they can learn the proper way to kill a zombie soon so we can sleep a little safer at night.
Sam and I keep cheering them on , “Bite them in the head!”
You and your pets are going to love these toys! There are several different patterns to choose from (which Cassie illustrated below). Each of the toys has a name that reflects their unique characteristics (such as Nurse Betty and Fearful Frank). We recommend you come up with a few of your own!