Checklist for Pet Travel Success
Just as we have to pack for our human kids, we have to plan ahead for our pets. The easiest way to do this is to keep a “tote” on hand. We recommend “Doggy Baggage” totes, which are designed with specifically with pets in mind. In this tote, we have the following items ready for a quick road trip. It also works great in the event of an emergency where evacuation may be necessary. Remember the old boy scout creed: “Always be prepared.”
Pet Travel Checklist
- Pack Passports: We keep a pet passport in the car just in case of emergency. This ID contains a picture of Cheiss, shot records, medical history, microchip number and any other important notes. ($3.99)
- Blanket or bed: Our favorite travel bed is the Wanderer bed from Kurgo. This handy mat rolls up and can be stored away, or can double as a pillow when the kids are sleepy.
- MicroFiber Towel: One of the handiest items in our list, this towel comes in handy if we find ourselves at a lake or the ocean (or in a rainstorm). It absorbs five times it’s own weight in liquid!($14.99)
- Dog Boots: Since we live in the desert, it’s generally very cold wherever we go. Remember that a dog’s paws can be tore to shreds by snow! We keep a pack of doggy boots in the truck (just in case). Our favorites are the Extreme Boots Large
. ($14.99)
- Collapsible bowls: We love the wide variety and easy-to-store Sturdi boxes (and they can also be used to steady unstable items – like dinners you’re transporting, groceries and tools) ($15.95)
- Keeping it Clean:
- Groom & Go Travel Kit: A great item to toss into the pack is the Groom and Go kit from DERMagic for arrival at the hotel room. A reusable vinyl zipper “Dog Bone” case with rope handle, Hot Spot Lotion (1.5 fl oz bottle), Certified Organic Shampoo Bar (3.5 oz bar), Peppermint and Tea Tree Oil Conditioner (2 fl oz bottle), Cell Restoration Crème (2 oz jar), Dead Sea Bath Salt Scrub (180 g tin), Vanilla-Scented Aromatherapy Candle ($34.95)
- Earthbath Hypo-Allergenic Wipes
: These wipes smell fantastic and each of our pets gets a quick wipedown upon reaching our destination. There’s nothing worse than bringing a smelly dog into a guests home! Also works great after walks (to get rid of the wet dog smell). The travel kit allows you to tuck them into your pocket and carry with you for quick cleanups.
- Brush: When your dog sheds as much as ours, you have to be ready for a quick grooming.
- Mud Glove: This is great for pets and people for the occasional jaunt into a mud puddle. Just wipe them down with it for easy cleans. ($9.99)
- Earthbath Hypo-Allergenic Wipes
: These are priceless and you can purchase travel packs to keep in your car. They are all natural, gentle and great for a quick wipedown of a smelly dog.
- First Aid Kit: $19.99 We have one especially for our pets, and another for our people. If your kit doesn’t include it, be sure to add a roll of Vetrap bandages as they come in use for a number of different problems. ($15.99)
- Homepathic Treatments: In our travel kit, we also add TravelCalm from EarthHeart to help combat anxiety and motion sickness.
- Leash/collar: We always keep a spare leash and collar on hand for easy use.
- Zippity Poo Da is our favorite “all in one” leash for walking. It includes a built in “baggy dispenser” (and you can use standard grocery bags easily), and then “hides” the waste until you can dispose of it. Brilliant at only $11.95.
- Bamboo still makes one of our all time favorites with the Seatbelt Leash and Quick Control collar set. Great for travel and the set is only $14.95!
- Collapsible Carrier: CellTei can create just about anything and you’re guaranteed the highest quality at a reasonable price. They can even accommodate large dogs (55 lbs +) and this is one of the few carriers we’ve seen that can do so.
[Part One: To Grandmother’s House We Go] [Part Two: Restraining Pets for Travel] [Part Three: Creature Comforts] [Part Four: Polite Guests, Not Pests ] [Part Five: Checklist for Pet Travel Success]