Subscription boxes for pets are all the rage. For a fixed monthly fee, you can have a carefully curated box of pet supplies shipped right to your front door. It's a fun way to ...
As you know, we have been working closely with 1-800-PetMeds to offer a cornucopia of pet supplies to independent rescues over the past few months (if you haven't signed up to receive these donations, please ...
Much like pit bulls (and Rotties and Shepherds and Dobies), spike collars have gotten a bad rap over the years. There is a lot more to this collar than meets the eye and like the ...
We all have collections of half-eaten toys lying around. During our training, we decided it was a good idea for our pets to clean up their own mess. So, we started working on training them ...
Holidays are stressful for everyone, including your pets. If you’re into the whole “impression management” thing (and I admit that we tried for years, but have long since quit caring), you know that there's not ...
Recently, we were invited to explore the extensive line of treats from Zuke’s during their #FuelTheLove campaign. I have high expectations for pet products, and that means I expect treats to perform more than one ...
This is a sponsored post; we have been compensated by Hill’s Pet Nutrition. Hill’s Pet Nutrition is not responsible for the content of this article. Food is a universal language that is one of ...