Only Natural Pet #PawNatural Probiotic Blend
As you know, we’ve been taking a look at Only Natural Pet products this month. This week, we were asked to review a product from their very extensive product line.
Last week, we talked about Going Green with our pets. This week, we’re talking about the Only Natural Pet Probiotics available at Pet360.
Brock and Bree are the highest maintenance dogs we’ve ever had in our lives. While Cheiss is content to grow old with grace and good health, Brock and Bree are the ones with a vast selection of health problems – most of which are due to being abandoned on a doorstep in the middle of winter at only a day old, being naturally lactose intolerant and allergic to puppy formula while we were bottle-feeding them, and I’m sure at least a little in-breeding on the part of the previous owners. These things have resulted in challenges as they grow to adulthood.
Nevertheless, thanks to a very high-quality diet and regular checkups, we have seen them grow into wonderful, healthy animals. With just a few quirks… So we were quite pleased when we had the chance to try out the new Probiotic Blend from Only Natural Pet through Pet360’s new online store.
[note icon=”yes”]This post is sponsored by Only Natural Pet on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network (link to I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Only Natural Pet, but PetsWeekly only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Only Natural Pet is not responsible for the content of this article.[/note]This blend is designed to maintain the health and balance of your pets intestinal tract. It does this by supplementing your pet’s natural “friendly” bacteria, which helps maintain bowel health and contributing to a healthy immune system.
[heading style=”2″ color=”#996633″ style_color=”#996633″]The Complex Digestive System of A Dog[/heading]
The digestive system is the first line of defense for the immune system; keeping it in optimal condition benefits overall health and immunity. It can be responsible for helping or contributing to many problems throughout the body. This includes skin allergies, immune system, chronic ear infections due to yeast, and many other issues. It’s important to keep your pets “gut” healthy. You can do this in a number of ways, like feeding a high-quality diet but sometimes it’s still necessary to supplement with a probiotic.
Probiotics can also be used to help diarrhea and are so very important for any animal (or human) who is on prescription drugs (particularly antibiotics), which can reduce or eliminate the “good bacteria” in the gut known as intestinal microflora.
Now, you can opt to increase the gut’s micro-flora with foods that are naturally high in probiotics, but this method is unreliable and unpredictable. For example, Probiotics naturally occur in things like yogurt (which is excellent, but is often very processed), miso soup (but it can be high in sodium and not good for pets hearth health), kefir (which can be hard to find), microalgae (which can be dangerous if a pure source is not used), even pickles can be good (but that’s one of the few things my dogs WON’T eat…)
We found an easier solution…
[heading style=”2″ color=”#996633″ style_color=”#996633″]Only Natural Pet Probiotic Blend[/heading]
We opted to try out the Only Natural Pet Probiotic Blend. This blend contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract by supplying the necessary “friendly” bacteria for proper digestion and bowel health. We simply empty out a capsule into our pets food each morning and night, and we have seen a marked reduction in annoying behaviors like flatulence, late night tummy growls, foul-smelling stools, and super annoying behaviors like Coprophagia (poop eating).
A single capsule in the Only Natural Pet probiotic blend contains 1.5 billion microorganisms and is designed to hold up in any room temperature (meaning, you don’t have to do anything special for storing it like other blends).
The bottle of 300 capsules will last Brock and Bree almost 3 months when I give it to them twice daily.
If you have a dog with problems that you or your vet just can’t seem to figure out, give probiotics a try. By reestablishing the gut flora, you are setting your pets up for excellent health. When combined with a high-quality diet, we know you will see a huge difference in health.