Dogs that can’t Swim and Some that just aren’t very good at it

[heading style=”2″ color=”#996633″ style_color=”#996633″]Pugs[/heading]
Squishy faces, short noses, and a big middle make these guys a safety hazard in summer. They are prone to shortness of breath and if they panic, it could be a very dangerous day. Most of these pups do like water, but it’s very important to keep a close eye on them and provide plenty of breaks during swimming.
Severely brachycephalic dogs often have a tough time in the water. These are the smoosh-nosed dogs who sometimes have a tough time breathing when they are on land. Couple that with short legs and a giant chest, and you have a very non-sea-worthy dog that has no business being in the water. Of course, there will always be an exception to the rule, but before you bring your pug to the pool, be sure they are wearing a PFD for Dogs and keep a very close eye on them for exhaustion.