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Guinea Pigs

Peruvian Guinea Pig

peruvian guinea pigs


Improper diet is the leading cause of illness in these pets. Be sure you’re feeding them a high-quality pellet food that is specifically designed for the breed, such as Oxbow Cavy Cuisine Adult Guinea Pig (Timothy Based). Commercial guinea pig pellets should make up the bulk of your pet’s diet as they are nutritionally complete, easily found at pet supply stores, and made from plants, seeds and veggies. Guinea pigs need to be fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Research the needs of your guinea pigs as they all require different things. Fresh fruit and raw vegetables should be offered to your guinea pig each day, as they make great chews and your guinea pig needs plenty of things to chew on as their teeth grow continually.

Guinea pigs need fresh hay available at all times. Timothy hay makes a good edible choice and can be found in the form of cubes or loose bags of hay.

[bt_taglinebox style=”top” width=”500″ font_size=”12″ text_color=”#5b5b5b” title=”Fresh Vegetables & Fruit” title_color=”#259b9a” align_center=”no” bgr_color=”#f6f6f6″]Always make sure to clean up any leftover fresh food before it spoils. [/bt_taglinebox]

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