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Guinea Pigs

Peruvian Guinea Pig

peruvian guinea pigs


Peruvians have two coats and can be very challenging to groom due to their long, thick hair, which can easily become tangled and matted. You will need to brush them several times a day. It’s very important that you get them accustomed to regular grooming at an early age. Be sure to remove any tangles when you brush them out and be very gentle so they look forward to the event.

Oftentimes, it’s recommended that you trim their coats for easier care as its top coat can reach over two feet in length! Usually its undercoat grows no longer than 7 inches. The hair parts naturally straight down the back and naturally parts at the spine.

[bt_taglinebox style=”top” width=”500″ font_size=”12″ text_color=”#5b5b5b” title=”Guinea Pigs Like Routines” title_color=”#259b9a” align_center=”no” bgr_color=”#f6f6f6″]Once you get your pet into a schedule of being brushed, they’ll begin to look forward to the task.[/bt_taglinebox]

Bathing is not recommended for most guinea pigs, but in the case of longer-haired breeds, such as the Silkie or Peruvian, spot cleaning can be very helpful to keep their hair shiny. Use a clean, wet rag to gently wipe down their coat rather than give them a bath. You can do this every few weeks, but be sure you get them used to the technique at an early age or you’ll be causing them undue stress.

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