Dear Animal Rescuer, This letter is a simple attempt to acknowledge the hard work you do each day keeping animals safe. I want you to know that your work has not gone unnoticed and I want ...
Dear Dr. Florez,I will give you a quick synopsis of my cats. They are moggies (cats) both aged 12-1/2 years. Gentle (a misnomer) has been with me since she was one month and Lotto since ...
Alexander, Why does my cat insist on jumping up on the kitchen counter when I've scolded him again and again for it?? His older sister does not do that. She knows it's a no-no. So ...
Dear Grey Socks,I have just found your web page on a search engine. I am after a bit of advice really. My next door neighbours have moved away well the wife and children have. ...
Dear Booger, I’m very worried about my cat Jack ( Girl) about a month and half ago I moved Jack to our new home which has a lovely big garden and no roads for miles. ...
Baby,My cat just had kittens and I would like to know when to start introducing solid food.Jeff Hello Jeff,As Foster-dad of all kittens, I can tell you that it is important to let your kittens ...
Dear Kyra,I have an adopted 5-month-old ginger boy named Barney. He's a very sweet, funny kitty, and I love him to pieces. But...he has some strange quirks. The nice people at the animal shelter ...