Traveling with Large, Elderly or Infirm Dogs

Traveling with large dogs can prove to be challenging in the best of situations, but when you add in an elderly large dog, the challenges become that much more. We have a few ideas on how you can keep your elderly dogs safe on the road.
Mobility Harness
For older, injured or invalid dogs, the CareLift Dog mobility harness from SolvIt offers a safe and easy way to improve pet’s mobility. The unique design of the rear section lifts dogs from both the hips and abdomen, resulting in less stress than similar devices which lift only from either the legs or abdomen. Four lifting methods are available with this system:
1) Rear lift only: Using either the adjustable leash, or the comfort-grip handle;
2) Front lift only: Using the comfort grip handle;
3) Full body lift: Using the comfort grip handles at front and rear
4) Full body lift: Using the adjustable shoulder strap attached to front and rear The CareLiftTM is excellent for assisting pets up stairs, into vehicles, onto furniture, outside for a bathroom break, or to provide some assistance when taking a walk. Perfect for rehabilitation of dogs after injury or surgery.
SUV Ramps
The Deluxe Telescoping Pet Ramp
is the lightest and strongest ramp on the market. Because of its aluminum and plastic construction it weighs just 13 pounds but is capable of supporting over 400 pounds. Its telescoping design makes it easy to stow and since it is infinitely adjustable from 39” to 72” it can be used on everything from pickup trucks to minivans. The non-slip surface offers sure footing while the ultra-stiff design and rubber feet make it very stable and easy to use. Solvit also offers the more affordable UltraLite Bi-fold Ramp, the smaller Half Ramp II for heights up to 20 inches and the giant Deluxe XL model which extends out to 7.5’ for even more versatility.
Net Barriers
The new Solvit Front Seat Net Pet Barrier combines a “claw-proof” micro mesh mounted on a folding wire frame to create an effective lightweight barrier that is simple to install and folds away into a compact pouch when not in use. The secret to the Net Pet Barrier is its patented flexible metal frame. This unique design keeps the net from sagging, makes installation a snap and when not in use allows it to be folded into a compact size for easy storage. Its adjustable suspension system attaches to the rear seat headrest holding it firmly in place and providing an effective barrier between the cargo and passenger areas of SUV’s and minivans. This barrier will keep any unwanted copilots from joining the captain in the cockpit – which results in a much safer and more pleasant trip for everyone.
However you choose to transport your pet, please be certain that you do so safely – not only for your pet’s sake, but for yours as well. Eliminating driver distractions is key for transport on the open road.