Bavarian Cat Toys Offer Catnip Alternative

As you know, cats are very individual in both personality and temperament. If you’re like us, you may have a cat who does respond to catnip, and another who has no interest in it whatsoever.
This article is for both types of cats: those who do and don’t respond to catnip.
Bavarian Cat Toys is a new company we discovered on Twitter (where all great things are found). They reached out to us and asked us to take a look at their new line of cat toys. Of course, we were happy to do that, and our cats were very pleased with the results!
The first thing you’ll notice upon opening a bag containing a Valerian Root toy is that the odor is very pungent – old socks pungent. Rest assured, that’s to be expected and your cat will enjoy this odor much more than you will. Once the toys have been opened for a few minutes, the smell will dissipate, so you don’t have to worry about your home smelling like old socks for longer than a few minutes.
[heading style=”1″ color=”#ff9933″ style_color=”#ff9933″]What Makes Bavarian Cat Toys Unique[/heading]
Besides being handcrafted in Germany, no glues or toxic materials are used to make these fine toys. The family-owned company of Aumueller Korbwaren believes in using ecological and sustainable raw materials that put the pet’s safety first. Ingredients are the highest grade available, certified to meet the same standards as those used in pharmaceuticals.
Bavarian-grown ingredients include Valerian, lavender, and anise. In case you don’t know, Valerian Root is best known for its ability to help people to relax enough to fall asleep at night. It just so happens to work as a stimulant on cats.
[heading style=”1″ color=”#ff9933″ style_color=”#ff9933″]But, my cat doesn’t like catnip[/heading]
You’re in good company – nearly 30% of cats have no response to catnip and if your cat is a juvenile (under 12 weeks), they haven’t matured enough to respond to catnip at all. The great part of Valerian Root is that cats who don’t respond to catnip may still have catnip-like response to Valerian.
(Interestingly enough, our dogs even got into the act!)
But that’s not all. The addition of chamomile and anise makes these toys appealing to nearly all cats and may have a relaxing effect on them. We use the Bavarian toys for our “stressed out” kitties – the ones who appear stressed out regardless of their ability to nap for twenty hours a day.
The toys are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, colors and styles. New varieties are created throughout the year, and holiday styles are offered on a seasonal basis. This year’s Christmas Collection includes plush toys in the shapes of Santa and a Christmas tree, plus large cushions decorated in holiday motif.
The item that we found (and immediately loved) was the extra-large cat-sized pillow that contains both valerian AND catnip. There is no other cat toy of this size on the market and our cats have been seen pushing each other off to get the spot on top of the pillow. Each of the pillows is filled with natural spelt to ensure long-lasting appeal.
We think you and your cats will truly enjoy these toys, which is why they made our 2015 Holiday Gift List for Cats and Their People last year. But, these toys make great gifts for your cats at any time of the year and we hope you’ll give them a try.
Learn more about the Benefits of Valerian here