Whap! Snarl! Hiss! Chase! Scrabblescramble. Cry! STOP IT! ISAIDSTOPPIT!Who hasn’t been there? Anyone who hasn’t had more than one cat.Aggression trails only soiling outside the box as the big behavior problem. And, until you figure ...
I was the only feline behavior consultant attending last year's American Animal Hospital Association conference, as far as I knew. I was neither a vet, nor a vet tech. After the four days, I left ...
If your healthy cat is suddenly peeing on your bed or spraying in your office, if he's taken to running around at strange hours of the night, or mewing inconsolably all night, there are several ...
We've always been told that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. But when it comes to pet, nothing could be further from the truth. And please - never give your pets a ...
Believe it or not, whisker stress is a real problem amongst cats of the world. It primarily occurs when your cat’s whiskers touch the sides of a bowl while eating. You may say to ...
Cats have come indoors to stay and consumers are as fastidious as their feline about controlling litter box odor. While litter boxes aren’t the most glamorous part of owning a cat, it’s the part that ...
For the last twenty years, I have participated in TNR - both in outreach efforts and actual clinic time. During this time, I have lived with domestic cats and cared for a small colony ...
There is no better hunter than a cat (well, with the exception of humans). So, if you live in a multi-species household that enforces a strict “no hunting live game” policy, what do you do ...