Product Reviews & Awards

Product Reviews are a popular way to gauge new product interest and also get word out about the benefits of any new product or service. Your product will be reviewed by the PetsWeekly staff and an honest review will be made available to our readers through our community.
Story will be networked and promoted via PetsWeekly’s popular social media pages. This includes coverage on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, G+ and Vine (if applicable).
We’ll include a [highlight background=”#ffffff” color=”#5a308c”]banner and coupon code [/highlight]within the story (you’ll need to provide art)
We do our best to include [highlight background=”#ffffff” color=”#5a308c”]images of our own pets [/highlight]using the product.
Story will be included in [highlight background=”#ffffff” color=”#5a308c”]Email blast[/highlight] to the PetsWeekly community each week.
Story will [highlight background=”#ffffff” color=”#5a308c”]remain on Home page[/highlight] for at least 2 days (usually longer).
[heading style=”modern-2-blue” heading=”h1″ color=”#5a308c” align=”left”]Pack-Tested and Pride-Tested Pet Approved Awards[/heading]
We have two [highlight background=”#ffffff” color=”#5a308c”] specialty badges[/highlight] that we give to our most favored products.
Once you have a letter stating that you have earned this award, you are free to display it on your product packaging, your website or via social media.
Due to the popularity of product reviews, we charge a handling fee for products valued at less than $250. There are exceptions to this rule. Use the form below to contact us for additional information.
[heading style=”modern-2-blue” heading=”h1″ color=”#5a308c” align=”left”]Contact Us[/heading]{loadformmaker 17}