Cat fights are loud, vicious, fast-moving and savage. There are not many things that sound more brutal than a cat fight. A cat fight is easy to identify through yowling, thumping, and hissing. Fortunately, most ...
Years ago, I was walking my dogs, Malachi and Aquilla, down my neighborhood street when out of the blue, we were attacked by a large dog. It was a terrifying moment and one that could ...
Cats are complex beings and reasons for their actions may not be obvious to those who are not well-versed in all things cat. They process life experiences much differently than humans, and respond in ways ...
Flashier fur means more catty like behavior according to a recent study by UC Davis. The study by Dr. Elizabeth Stelow, a behavioral expert at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital,interviewed more than 1200 cat owners ...
Whap! Snarl! Hiss! Chase! Scrabblescramble. Cry! STOP IT! ISAIDSTOPPIT!Who hasn’t been there? Anyone who hasn’t had more than one cat.Aggression trails only soiling outside the box as the big behavior problem. And, until you figure ...
If your healthy cat is suddenly peeing on your bed or spraying in your office, if he's taken to running around at strange hours of the night, or mewing inconsolably all night, there are several ...
Dogs who go ballistic when the doorbell rings can be really irritating! However, we need to see it from their perspective and ask ourselves to consider why they’re doing it and how they’re feeling. In ...