How Much Water Does Your Cat Need?

Water is the one thing that no living being can do without. It’s especially important to our pets. Not drinking enough water can result in lots of health problems for our dogs and cats. So, when we’re asked, “how much water does your cat need”, it’s easy enough to answer, “A healthy adult cat should consume about 3.5 to 4.5 ounces of water per 5 pounds of body weight.”

However, individual requirements may vary. If you ask 50 pet professionals how much water your cat needs to drink each day, you’ll receive 50 different answers. That’s why we agreed to help PetSafe® celebrate “National Pet Hydration Month” this July. They not only understand the importance of water, they help make it safe for our pets. They acquired Drinkwell’s Pet Fountains several years ago and that has helped Drinkwell’s create a lot of new and appealing pet fountains for cats.

“Our pets need one ounce of water per pound of bodyweight each day. Proper hydration plays a big role in a pet’s health, and can save pet parents a trip to their vet’s office.”

Willie Wallace, CEO of Radio Systems Corporation

As you know if you read PetsWeekly, Drinkwell Pet Fountains are our preferred way to make desert water a lot safer and much more appealing to our pets.

Since we started using pet fountains in our home, we have virtually eliminated urinary stones and crystals, as well as urinary tract infections (UTIs) in both our cats and dogs. This means fewer trips to the veterinarian and the savings help us provide a better quality food (and a lot more toys and treats) to our pets.

Cats & Their Natural Aversion to Water

As anyone who has had a cat knows, making them drink enough water can be more than a little challenging. Cats initially evolved as desert animals, which gave them the ability to naturally concentrate their own urine under low water conditions.

But this unique feature, when combined with the cat gaining access to acidic foods from humans, can result in increased urinary problems. Namely in the form of developing urinary crystals and urinary tract infections.

This is why it’s so important to entice cats into drinking. The more they drink, the fewer chances they’ll develop urinary tract infections and disease.

Water Helps Cats in Many Ways

Water helps all animals (including humans) to effectively:

But, water does many other things as well. It can even help decrease recovery time after an illness or surgery.

Symptoms of Dehydration in Pets:

If you feel your pets may be dehydrated, it’s important to get them into a veterinarian so they can administer subcutaneous fluids and reduce your pet’s temperature. This is a life or death situation, so please do not ever hesitate to take your pets into the vet!

Keep in mind that every animal will have different needs and the “1 oz for 1 lb” water model is just something to think about. It can be difficult to gauge how much water your pets are drinking – especially in a multi-pet household. But, if your cat seems prone to urinary tract infections, then this may be an issue you want to address.

Here’s a helpful video that shows you how to check if your pet is dehydrated.

Ways to Keep Your Cat Hydrated

1. Ensure water tastes good.

Cats are very sensitive to many of the agents we use to make water safe. This includes chlorine. If cats sense these chemicals, they will likely stop using a source of water and thereby decrease their water intake. This is why it’s very important to purify your pet’s water supply, use a pet fountain and use only purified water.

2. Motion makes water more appealing.

How do you attract a cat to water? Make sure it mimics a natural source of water! Cats are naturally more attracted to running water (like many of us). Pet fountains offer continuously moving water that is much more appealing to cats.

3. Offer many sources.

Set up multiple areas for your pets to drink. You wouldn’t believe how picky they can be! We have Drinkwell fountains throughout our home (in nearly every room). The easier you make it for animals to drink, the more they will drink. This is especially important in a multi-pet household.

These are a few of our favorite fountains:

Learn more about water safety on our site or by visiting Petsafe – they’ve even created a handy infographic for you!

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