Dogs who go ballistic when the doorbell rings can be really irritating! However, we need to see it from their perspective and ask ourselves to consider why they’re doing it and how they’re feeling. In ...
Nothing can be more frustrating than potty training a puppy or adult dog. However, there are ways to make this process easier on you and your pets. Potty training your dog is one of ...
Dogs can pick up some interesting habits, and not all of them are funny or healthy. Pica, or "eating things that aren't food" are one of these habits. Pica is very common in dogs who ...
Despite our best attempts to complicate dog ownership, dogs (and people) are really very simple creatures. They like to eat, they like to sleep, they like to hunt, they like to play, and they like ...
As you all know, we began our dogs on a training program. While this was initially for behavioral reasons, the physical reasons are just as good a reason to begin a training program. When we ...
We all have collections of half-eaten toys lying around. During our training, we decided it was a good idea for our pets to clean up their own mess. So, we started working on training them ...
Holidays are stressful for everyone, including your pets. If you’re into the whole “impression management” thing (and I admit that we tried for years, but have long since quit caring), you know that there's not ...