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Hypothyroidism and Soloxine


Dear Dr. Florez,

Our Sharpei was recently put on Soloxine for hypothyroidism, however, he constantly breaks out in oozing sores and lesions. Is this because he is allergic to the medication? He needs this medication for life but we cannot subject him to this. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Dear Trish,

As you know, hypothyroidism is a condition that often requires lifelong medication. The sores and lesions that you describe may or may not be related to Soloxine. I have not seen the type of reaction that you describe in any of the SharPei’s that I have treated or know about. Shar Pei breed dogs often have many issues related to the skin which can range from mild skin infections to severe allergies and atopy.

Your pet needs to be seen for the skin condition. The thyroid medication is probably not the cause of these symptoms. I believe they are likely related to a separate issue. However, while it is rare for a pet to develop an allergy to the Soloxine medication, it’s certainly not impossible.

You should have a dermatologist take a look of your pet and follow their recommendations. Oftentimes an additional medication or ointment can be prescribed, or simply changing your pets food could help. This type of condition definitely merits the attention of a dermatologist, though, and I highly recommend that you locate one in your area for an immediate checkup.

Best of luck,
Diego Fernando Florez, DVM

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