Guide to Hiking Etiquette with Dogs

Cooler weather is on the way for most of the Southern states, and that means many of us will be once again hitting the trails with our best four-legged friends. But, don’t forget to make hiking etiquette for pets a BIG part of your journey, as it an make or break your adventure.

Let’s face it – nothing cleanses the soul like a relaxing hike through the wilderness. Whether you want to enjoy the rich blooms of wildflowers in that remote desert valley, or take a run through the cool pines, it’s important to make sure everyone out there has the same level of enjoyment as you do.

So dust off the walking stick and renew your wild spirit, but make sure you follow trail etiquette when you take your pets along.

[Check out 4 of our favorite pet-friendly hikes in the US]

Dogs are usually natural explorers on the trailhead. But, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to watch them carefully – there are plenty of dangers in the wild – from poisonous mushrooms to cacti, and coyotes to rattlesnakes (not to mention hunters of the two-legged variety).

This is why it’s so important to understand the basics of hiking etiquette. Here’s a primer to get you started…

Keep Pets Leashed

This is now law in many areas of the country (on or off trail). Keep your dog under control at all times.

Leashes also prevent your dog from eating unknown substances (like toxic mushrooms, decaying bodies, or intentionally placed objects designed to injure dogs). Leashing can also prevent your dog from being caught in a trap or stumbling upon some other contraption designed to kill wildlife.

Most trail hikes within national forests require a park pass. You can pick yours up at any outdoor shop, the ranger station or by leaving payment in box at the site.

Yield Right of Way

If you’re walking your dog, yield the trail right of way to larger animals (including horses, donkeys, and llamas).

Is it the law? No.

Is it courteous? Absolutely.

Some horses are “dog-shy” and your pet is just as likely (or more likely) than you to get kicked in the head if you don’t scooch over a bit.

Here are a few common questions we get about hiking with pets:

Respect Water Sources

Water sources are rare in the Southwest, so having any source of water contaminated, no matter how small, is a very big deal. You’ll have to use your best judgement for your area, because dogs deserve to play in the water just as we do, but please pay attention to the situation.

Don’t let your pet splash through the only clean source of water for miles (and you shouldn’t splash through either). This rule might be a bit more flexible in areas with running water or lakes, but if you come across a spring, keep paws out of it.

On that same note, dogs should not drink from unknown sources due to the danger of invisible parasites.

Pro Tip: If your dog doesn’t like to drink from a container, carry bouillon cubes or a small packet of dehydrated goat’s milk to encourage your pet to drink.

Cleaning Up After Pets

The only waste in a forest should belong to the woodland creatures native to your area. After all, you are visiting their home. 

Yes, bears do shit in the woods. It doesn’t mean you should let your dogs do it without picking up after them. Dogs can easily transfer disease to their wilder cousins and we have a responsibility to keep all animals safe.

Clean up after your pets. If you bring it in, pack it out.

Respect and Understand the Wildlife

Yellow caution sign on a pole with text “Caution – rattlesnakes in area”.

Your dogs can have plenty of fun while respecting wildlife.

Leave the bunny alone, don’t chase the squirrel, and for God’s sake, snake-train your pet if you’re hiking in the desert!

Along the same line, you need to protect your curious canine from dangerous wildlife. These include, but are by no means limited to:

Know the Five Commands

Come, Drop, Leave it, Heel and Sit-Stay are the five basic commands every pet should know before walking out the door. 

If your pets cannot follow these simple commands, you should focus your training until they can.

We have a way for your to quickly teach these commands. Training Diaries: 5 Commands Your Dogs Should Know

Owning a pet is about being a responsible pet owner. You are responsible for teaching your pets good etiquette as they will not learn from others. Together we can make the world a better place for our animals and other humans.

Announce Your Arrival and Pass Safely

No one likes animals running up on them, especially not in treacherous places like narrow trails, cliffs, or washes. It’s important to approach every person and animal sharing the trail as if they are fearful of dogs.

If you’re walking up on people or horses, call out that you’re “passing on the right”. Most people head to the high country to lose themselves in their thoughts, not have crazy animals run up on them. “Behind you” or “on your left” are also great notifications to those ahead of you.

When running or walking with your dog, it’s polite to inform those ahead of you that you’re coming up behind. This can also be done with a simple “Behind you” or “to your left” announcement letting them know you’re planning to pass. This is particularly important when using public walkways.

Respect Plants and Animals

There are hundreds of plants that can kill your pet whether you’re in the forest or desert.

Poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, stinging nettle, skunk cabbage, crocus, calla lily, and tulips are just a few.

Personally, the one we worry about most is mushrooms. Wild mushrooms kill hundreds of dogs each year.

Prepare for Regional Illnesses

Your pets can become exposed to unusual diseases and viruses as fast as you can when you’re in a new area. These are just a few of the things you need to be aware of when hiking or camping with your pets.

What to Bring on A Long Hike

When you’re preparing for a hike that lasts longer than a few hours, it’s important to be prepared (especially for your pet’s sake).

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