5 Ways to Save Your Lawn from Pet Urine

If you have pets, and sometimes even if you don’t have pets, you may find that your backyard smells more and more like a dog kennel or litter box than a freshly cut lawn or a garden of beautiful roses.

It doesn’t have to be that way… There are many ways to take care of your yard without hurting the lawn and without impacting your pets health.

Pet urine can overpower even the healthiest lawn. There are many theories on why dog urine (and cat urine) effect common lawn grasses, and why some types of lawns don’t seem to have much of a problem resisting urine (fescue, perennial ryegrass are two examples). But, if you’re seeing brown spots on your lawn, we have solutions for you.

[heading style=”2″ color=”#996633″ style_color=”#996633″]Evaluate Health of Pets:[/heading]

The fact is, some animals have a particularly high pH levels in their urine, which can cause brown spots and increase odor problems. If your pets’ urine is strong enough to burn the lawn, it’s time to visit the veterinarian and rule out a health problem.

Stronger urine means it is highly concentrated, and that can indicate anything from dehydration to a urinary tract infection.

But, if it’s due to your pet urinating in the same area repeatedly, there are other options.

[heading style=”2″ color=”#996633″ style_color=”#996633″]Natural Solutions for Pets and Lawn Care [/heading]

[heading style=”2″ color=”#996633″ style_color=”#996633″]Natural Solutions to Garden Odor[/heading]

Sprays: There are many powerful sprays you can use on your lawn that will help eliminate odor, is safe on plants, and are ideal for dog runs or lawns. All you need to do is pick up one of these products, hook your hose to it, and spray the yard down. These products not only help deodorize the urine in lawn and dirt, they help to neutralize the scent of stools and contribute to a more rapid breakdown of proteins.

Repellents: If you really need to keep your dog off the lawn (although we can’t imagine a scenario where your lawn is more important than the health and happiness of a pet), then you can try a repellent. There are many non-lethal methods of keeping pets off the lawn. This is our extensive list on how you can keep other people’s pets out of your yard (including cats).

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