Problem Solving: The Bored Cats Syndrome

Cats need mental and physical stimulation. If you’ve ever worked at an office that cordoned their employees off in cubicles, then you know that going home is a welcome relief from humdrum walls and repetitious work. Just as you yearn for your freedom while answering yet another call, your cat longs to do more than sleep the entire day away—for sure, he definitely enjoys a solid five-hour nap, but he wouldn’t mind a little game of chase either!

So, if your curtains, recliner, or your grandmother’s antique pine bed frame have ever been the victim of a bored kitty’s claws—this article is for you. While the stereotype would lead us to believe that a bored cat will simply find a sunbeam to park in for the day, many cats, especially young ones, will alleviate their boredom in other ways—sometimes very destructive ways. They have no idea that the couch edge they shredded to bits cost you a lot of money. To them, it’s just a big toy.

Or, if you’ve got a little extra in the budget, you can get one of these awesome cat toys by Bergan:

Here’s Cassie playing with the TurboTrack Toy – I think you’ll get the idea of how much she loves it.


If a new toy simply isn’t in the budget, there are plenty of inexpensive ways to improve your cat’s environment. Try one of these free and/or cheap methods of entertainment:

The biggest investment you’ll make, even if you purchase toys for your cats, is taking the time out of your busy schedule to give them the attention they need. Just like any member of a family, if you ignore them, they may start acting out to get attention. In the end, it will be time well spent when you come home to a cat who’s happy, and you only go shopping for new window treatments when you’re ready for something different.

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