Life in Arizona: An Environment Trying to Kill You

Tell someone you live in Arizona and they immediately think about resort life, retirement, year-round golf, beautiful winter temps (highs in the 70s, lows in the 30s), and sunshine for 350 days a year (even Arizona gets clouds a few days each year).

The only thing that is better than our daily intake of Vitamin D is our freeway art – we do have some of the most beautiful freeways in the world.

Image: Highway Interchange with Channelized River, © Adriel Heisey

What people don’t always know, however, is that life in the desert can be a challenge. Mostly because we have the only environment in the world that is actively trying to kill you.

I’m sure you think I’m exaggerating, so let’s compare your state to Arizona…

Arizona Wildlife

Other places have plenty of vicious animals.

Arizona animals are slightly different. Not only will they playfully lure you, your kids, and your pets into the desert for the sole purpose of killing you; they’ll lounge on your patio and play in your pool when they’re done with the meal. Meet the javelina, bobcat, black bear, coyote, and mountain lion.


It’s true that we don’t have water moccasins floating down the river in tightly woven packs of lethal snake balls (like Texas). Or Copperheads slithering through the underbrush (like Kentucky).

Instead, we have 17 species of Rattlesnakes, all of which store enough venom to kill a person (or several persons).

The Mojave rattlesnake is so territorial and aggressive, it will not only bite you, but will chase you through scrub for a quarter mile to bite you again. Okay, that’s a total exaggeration, but you still don’t want to run into one…

On the bright side, their sheds make amazing soap!

Gila Monsters

Arizona is also home to one (of only two) venomous lizards in the world: the elusive Gila Monster. They carry just about as much venom as a rattlesnake; but you’ll probably need a bite stick to remove a Gila Monster from your leg.

Sonoran Desert Toads

You may have frogs and toads in your state – but in Arizona, our amphibians are toxic.

Meet the Sonoran Desert Toad, which emits a neurotoxic venom called Bufotenine. This toxin induces serious hallucinations (and not the good kind).

Bufotenin is a tryptamine related to the neurotransmitter serotonin. It’s an alkaloid found in the skin of some species of toads; and also in mushrooms, and some mammals.

The Sonoran Desert Toad may not kill you, but it could kill your pets. These toads live in the ground and come out when humidity gets higher (usually during monsoon season or rainy periods). So, watch for these cute little guys any time it rains and keep your pets away from them.

Learn more about protecting your pets from Sonoran Desert Toads (Bufo toads) here.


Javelina at play

These surly, short-tempered wild pigs have razor-sharp tusks and have taken down many a hiker who stumbled upon their trail when they were with their young.

Think suicidal deer kill more people in North America than any other animal – around 200 human deaths every year) – meet one of Arizona’s many lethal herbivores: the temperamental javelina boar (aka peccary).

Javelina can usually be smelled before they are spotted. Their musky odor is legendary. You would do well to avoid them in the wild or if they show up in your backyard.

Black Bears

Black bears are another big plus of living in Arizona.

Sure, grizzly bears are big and scary, but did you know that black bears are actually responsible for more attacks than grizzly bears?

If you’re a white male over 65 years old, you’re probably doomed, for sure.

Statistics say that if you are a white male aged over 65 and living in the southern states of the USA then you are more likely to be attacked by an animal, be it wild or domestic…

In fairness, this is because there are more of them and they live closer to populated areas. But, it’s also because that there are way too many humans are mostly stupid and disrespectful, who tend to leave trash out. This sets bears up for bad behavior.

So, please make sure you pick up after yourself whether you’re in the city or our beautiful wilderness.

Our Plant Life

The Sonoran desert is home to over 1,700 species of plants (most of them trying to prick, prod or poison you).

Yes, even our plants will try to kill you.

Sure, they’re incredibly unique. There is nothing as beautiful as a night-blooming lotus or the first bloom of a saguaro cactus.

Joshua trees and ocotillo are straight out of a Dr. Seuss novel; and a Palo Verde tree in full bloom with it’s stunning canopy of yellow flowers is something you don’t want to miss.

But the vast majority of Arizona plants are filled with highly-toxic venom or possess millions of thick needles (or microscopic needles) that have the ability to attack you if you even hazard a step within a 3-foot radius (meet the jumping cholla, everyone).

Pro Tip: Keep a fine-toothed comb with you on any walk you take.

Insects of Arizona

Arizona insects are just as surly as Arizona’s other wildlife. Sure, other states have lots more insects – far more than we’ll ever have (I’m looking at you, Florida and Texas).

But, our insects are highly toxic, super aggressive and not only will they sting you and steal your blood, they’ll may just you a deadly disease while they’re doing it. They could even kill you if they’re feeling particularly feisty…

Here are a few of the insects you should know about in Arizona:

But, wait – there’s more….

We have cockroaches the size of Texas, and a little beetle called the Hualapai tiger (a conenose species of bug who feeds on the blood of reptiles, animals and yes, humans) at night.

You probably won’t wake up if you’re bitten, but you’ll know they were feeding…

And, don’t forget the Tarantula Hawk.

This crazy wasp not only survives by paralyzing a Tarantula (or other spider), then dragging it back to its nest and laying eggs in the poor creatures brain. The larvae then feeds on the living tarantula as it grows.

On top of that, this wasp administers the second most painful sting in the world…

Arizona Water (or lack thereof)

The thing you might consider safe is our water supply. But you would be wrong because even our water is toxic.

We have a river that contains a flesh eating bacteria and most of our water companies have been cited for something or another (usually involving toxic chemicals or raw sewage).

Water contaminants range from uranium (!) to Arsenic (with high levels in nearly every water supply). The mineral content is so high it will coat your sink and tub with a rock solid ring of white water.

See that beautiful pond over there on the golf course? Don’t get in there to find your ball – it’s just grey-water. The same goes for that manmade lake in your backyard.

Arizona Weather

Let’s not forget the latest Arizona weather wonder, the massive dust storms (aka, haboob).

These apocalyptic-looking mile-high walls of dust bearing down on your home are becoming so commonplace, they don’t even make the news anymore.

Pity, because they really are impressive…

But not only will you get buried in dust, the dirt and dust itself carries along a fungus that lives in the dirt and results in a disease known as Valley Fever.

If you’ve lived in Arizona for longer than a few months; you’ve either had Valley Fever, will have Valley Fever, or you have it now.

Valley Fever can cripple your dog and ultimately result in death within days after exposure. While we’re getting much better at treating this disease in pets, it’s one of the biggest killers of dogs and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it.

Arizona Heat

But the absolute worse part of Arizona is the summer heat (read our “7 Stages of Heat” article for a laugh).

Heat kills more people each year than the cold. Heat will take out your plants, your pets, and yourself.

Trip and fall on a summer day? You’ll find yourself in the hospital with 2nd and 3rd degree contact burns if you happen to land on the asphalt.

Why on Earth Do You Live in Arizona?

By now, you’re most assuredly asking yourself, “Why in the world would anyone want to live in such a God-awful place?”

After all, over 7 million people have chosen to live in this state.

Bottom line, come on over to Arizona. Enjoy our gorgeous climate. Explore the beautiful Sonoran desert. Hike a slot canyon, take your dogs out for a day in the desert. Just make sure you do it in January.

Continue on to learn why Arizona is the destination of the year!

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Arizona Weather

For six months out of the year, we have almost picture perfect weather. Temps in the 70s to 80s. Lows drop to the 40s. We average over 300 days of sunshine each year. Our storms are apocalyptic in nature, but their hand to god nature remind us that something bigger than ourselves exist.

The Sonoran desert is so hauntingly beautiful in the spring, you want to weep as you walk through the fields of wildflowers. Water is rare, yes, but when you see it flow over a once-dry riverbed, or deep red sandstone, you just want to sit in the middle of the river and forget about life.

I’ve spent many a night under the clear night skies watching a billion stars twinkle as I fall asleep, with nothing but a sleeping bag and my dogs to keep me warm. I’ve hiked many miles in the Superstition mountains – starting at a trail-head surrounded by jumping cholla and saguaros – and have fallen asleep that evening in an apple orchard near the base of a waterfall hidden a few miles away.

All of the wildlife in our region understands strength. If you want to survive a grizzly bear attack In Montana, you play dead. But, if you want to survive a bear or mountain lion attack in Arizona, you make yourself bigger than life and never turn your back. That cat will back down.

[On that same note, if you run into a horde of africanized bees, well just run in a straight line as far as you can. Don’t jump in the pool (they’ll wait for hours for you to surface) and don’t turn around. Just get to shelter as quickly as possible.]

The snakes and other pests are also easily managed. We snake-train our dogs, our cats kill scorpions, and if you can get your pets to a water hose in time, they’ll probably survive mouthing a toad. Yes, our pets are so tough they can handle a water-boarding (but it’s best if you make sure they avoid the toads).

Protect your pets paws by making your dogs wear boots in summer. If you want your horses to survive, be sure they are carefully shod to manage the sharp shale and tricky footing of mountains. Hydration and shade is a must – you shouldn’t be outdoors (nor should your pets) when it’s 100+ degrees outside.

Arizona has some of the most diverse scenery in the world. It’s home to the Grand Canyon, the White Mountains, the Mogollon Rim and hundreds of slot canyons like Antelope Canyon.

We can travel from the scorching heat of the desert to the sandy beach of the Pacific ocean in less than five hours. We can go skiing on snow-covered peaks in less than two. We can be in another country in fewer than three hours.

Travel north and be very observant to see the Mexican Black Wolf in its native environment. Head east to the river and watch wild mustangs play in the Salt and Verde Rivers. Take a drive down south towards Mexico and you just may catch a glimpse of the last Jaguar.

What appears on the surface to be a vast emptiness changes dramatically the second you step foot on a trail. The desert opens up to a vast network of ravines and willow trees lining a narrow creek. The land can transform before your eyes if you enter the desert after a rainstorm; with 600 foot waterfalls suddenly appearing over the cliffs like some sort of magical enchantment.

Our sunsets and sunrises are so magnificent and ever changing, it’s impossible to take in their beauty during a few brief moments. It’s necessary to sit through thousands of them just to get an idea of how complex they are. They are like God’s own reward for suffering through summer.

Is it hot? Oh yeah…

Summers are so hot that a breeze will take your breath away (and kill you in a matter of hours if you don’t know how to deal with it). And sure – the temperatures regularly hit 110+ (I remember the summer of 128+!).

But, let’s be honest. After 100 degrees, it really doesn’t matter much…

Is the wildlife really trying to kill you?

No, they are opportunistic, not mean-spirited.

Somehow our ancestors and the wildlife have brokered a fragile peace in order to survive. Mutual respect assures safety. Abandon that respect and you will likely die alone in the desert.

To live in Arizona, you must have a deep appreciation of nature and be able to embrace the wildness that goes along with it. The dangers of the desert are a constant reminder of the fragility of life.

Arizona is a land of extremities and to live here, you have to be half-wild yourself to really appreciate it…

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