Fresh Dog Shampoo Powder – Making Fido Fresh

At PetsWeekly, we’re always happy to try out products that help keep our dogs smelling fresh between baths, and we’re sticklers on never using anything with harmful chemicals. So, when Fresh Dog approached us to review their Fresh Dog Shampoo Powder, our eyes went immediately to the ingredient list. Thankfully, we were very impressed with what we read there:

And that’s it. No synthetic fragrance, no preservatives, no detergents…

Next up came opening the container itself (and it’s not a small container—a good deal for only $15 (at Amazon).

While some dog shampoos and between-bath treatments tend to smell a little bit like cheap perfume, we were pleasantly surprised by the powder’s light scent—it wasn’t overpowering at all…

At this point we deemed it safe enough to use on one of our dogs who doesn’t have any sensitivity issues. While the application was a bit messy (we’ll give you some tips on dealing with that a little later), it was a fast and easy process: shake the powder on, rub it in, and wipe away excess. Done.

After applying the powder, the dog rolled around happily on her back, and I noticed the residue on my hands. I have some spots of eczema, and generally any beauty product that leaves a residue like that will irritate my skin, and usually within 15 minutes. Rather than wash it away, I decided to experiment by leaving the remnants of the dry shampoo on my hands. To my surprise, an hour passed, and no itchiness or irritation flared up at all. That’s almost unheard of it when it comes to these hands of mine!


What are your favorite ways to keep your dogs smelling clean between baths? Let us know in the comments!

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