How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears with #BayerExpertCare

This week we were asked to try out a few new products from the Bayer® ExpertCare™ lineup, which for us included how to clean your dog’s ears.

For those who don’t know, Bayer now has a new lineup of products developed for pet owners who know how to handle specific problems, but maybe don’t have the time to get into the veterinarian.

These include things like grooming items (for hot spots), ear cleaners (for regular cleanings), tapeworm medication, and even antiseptic wipes for those times you’re on the road.

A perfect example of when this type of product comes in handy is during one of Cheiss’ ear infections (you can tell his ears are bothering him in the photo). Like me, he suffers from occasional ear problems and they can make him absolutely miserable (particularly when it rains). We’ve treated these issues with a veterinarian often enough that I know what he needs to have done and how to do it.

Frequent ear cleanings are very important for certain breeds of dogs. We learned this with Roscoe, our former beagle. Due to Cheiss’ long, floppy ears, he often gets dirt and dust trapped inside, which can cause an excess of wax as the body tries to get rid of the debris. When it rains, the excess moisture creates a problem.

[note style=”5″ icon=”yes”]This post is sponsored by Bayer® ExpertCare™ and the BlogPaws Influencer Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Bayer ExpertCare products but PetsWeekly only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Bayer ExpertCare is not responsible for the content of this article. [/note]

The new Bayer ExpertCare lineup is available exclusively at PetSmart, which makes things easy for me because I happen to know our local Petsmart like the back of my hand.

As you well know, Petsmart carries a huge selection of products for pets and rushing down aisles when you’re in the middle of picking up cat food can be distracting (and not very cost-effective) for any animal lover. So it’s good to know there is an entire lineup of products on one aisle, that are effective for both dogs and cats.

So, back to Cheiss. Like me, he tends to need some extra attention when it rains (which, luckily, doesn’t happen often in Arizona). We were able to quickly find and select the Bayer ExpertCare Ear Cleansing Rinse for Dogs.

This fresh-scented ear cleaning rinse is perfect for dogs who tend to have a lot of wax buildup in their ears. The gentle formula helps dissolve wax and contains drying agents – it’s also made with aloe vera (which is both gentle and healing).

Frequent cleanings (about once a week) helps us remove the excess wax from his ears.

The Ear Care solution helps dissolve wax so we can gently remove it without stressing him out. We simply squirt the solution into his ears, squish it around, then remove the excess debris and loosened wax from the exterior of his ear with a cotton ball.

They’ll feel good as new!

For those who are nervous about squirting things into your dog’s ear, you’re right to be concerned. It should not be done unless you have a good understanding of how the ear works.

But for those of us who have dogs that deal with chronic ear conditions, it’s important to learn how to maintain the health of your pet. (We’ve included a very brief illustration from Amy Martin to help you do this properly).

Remember, this is not something that should be used on a dog with chronic ear infections or dogs that have open sores in their ear canal. Since it contains Benzyl alcohol, it can irritate open wounds.

But if your dog’s ears just need a good general cleaning, this is a wonderful product.

Next time you’re in Petsmart, take a look at this new line of expert care products from Bayer. It’s available for dogs and cats and we know you’ll find something useful to keep in your Bug-Out Bag or travel kit – you never know when it will come in handy!

Look for this logo in the healthcare aisle of your local Petsmart. We think you’ll be quite pleased with what you find!

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