Game Day Foods To Share With Dogs

The big game is almost here. After the game (or the Puppy Bowl), the second most important part of Super Bowl Sunday is the food. If your dog will be part of the festivities, here are 5 dog-friendly foods you can both enjoy. Remember that moderation is the key to any enjoyable day, so while these foods are safe, they are not recommended!


Putting out a veggie tray? Your dog will enjoy carrots, broccoli, celery, snap peas, cucumbers, and cauliflower. Tomatoes are fine too, so long as the stems and leaves are removed. But don’t worry, you don’t have to share the ranch dip. That’s better for humans than it is for dogs.


Sweet Potato Chips

You can’t have a Super Bowl party without chips. Unseasoned sweet potato chips make a sweet, safe version of this Super Bowl Sunday staple for your dog. Simply peel sweet potatoes, cut into 1/8 inch thick slices, and bake at 350 degrees until crispy (about 15 minutes). For yourself, follow the same recipe, then sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.


Crispy, cheesy perfection. Grate low-fat cheddar cheese. Serve melted on top of tortilla chips for you and for your dog, over those sweet potato chips or steamed broccoli. Yes, many dogs love broccoli. Keep the salsa all to yourself – the onions and seasoning in it are bad for your dog.


Making chili for the big game? Set aside some unseasoned ground beef and black beans for your dog. Brown the beef, then toss in cooked black beans. Top with a little shredded cheddar if you like. Serve to your dog right before you serve your own bowl so you can enjoy it without the sad puppy eyes begging for a taste.


Many dogs love popcorn. Stock up on plain popcorn (no salt or butter) and various popcorn seasonings (available in many stores). Serve a handful of plain popcorn to your dog, then season your own to your heart’s delight. Mix and match flavors to create custom ‘corn. Two quick warnings with popcorn: make sure you give your dog only fully-popped kernels, and keep an eye on your dog, especially if he’s a small breed, as some excited dogs may try to swallow popcorn whole.

Hungry yet? Get to the grocery store and stock up on treats both you and your dog will enjoy on Sunday.

Sonia Charry runs the Arizona-based company, home of the Large Dog Blog and large dog beds.

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