Keeping Feral Cats Warm This Winter

While we understand that feral cats are at the heart of lots of controversy, their care and well-being remains a priority to us here at PetsWeekly. That’s why we love to hear of innovative ways to keep ferals warm during the winter.

Feline Furniture, known for their module cat furniture and lodgepole pine outdoor furniture, has created two new cat houses for outdoor cats.

Take a look at the video below – we know you’ll love both of these houses. Feline Furniture has made a special effort to create inexpensive, innovative cat housing products that will work for any feline – feral or domestic. They are very supportive of TNR and make special arrangements to work with rescues so you can provide outdoor, waterproof shelter for the feral colony under your care.

For more information on their wooden outdoor Feral Cat House, click the link to be taken to their Amazon page for direct orders.

Don’t forget to check out their other cat houses, cat climbers, and modular cat furniture!

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