Wolf Awareness Week

Did You Know: You stand a better chance of getting hit by a meteorite than being killed by a wolf.

Although wolves are large, powerful animals that could kill humans, they don’t. According to a 2002 study about wolf conflicts with humans, there is no documented case of a healthy, wild wolf killing a human in the United States. By comparison, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate between 10 to 20 people are killed and 4.7 million attacked each year by man’s best friend, the domestic dog.

Well folks, the third week of October is the official Wolf Awareness week. This means that if you’re a parent, an educator, or just someone who cares about wildlife, you can take this opportunity to educate yourself and others on the importance of helping wolves survive. We are here to provide some great references on wolves and we hope you’ll take a moment to read them through.

Wolves have played an integral role in the development of North America and it’s important to preserve this noble animal. We have an entire mythology built around them (some good, some bad) but it’s time to start building awareness about the real nature of these animals. Wolf restoration efforts help to ensure the wolf’s long-term survival, contribute to a healthy ecosystem and provide cultural benefits.

If you’re interested in learning more about wolves, check out these great fact sheets from the Defenders of Wildlife:

Gray Wolf | Red Wolf | Mexican Wolf

If you have children, take a moment to see how you can get them involved in the Wolf Howl Preserve’s annual competition.

You can also learn more about where wolves come from and how they have influenced history by reading about their Biology and Taxonomy

There are some great “wolf events” coming up in your area, so check this calendar to see what you can attend.

This week, we’re going to be spending some time discussing wolves: learning about their heritage, understanding their behavior and identifying the role they play in our lives – even in our lives today.

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