Interview with ONP’s Boulder Store PawNatural Manager: Alyse Stark

Those who love animals, generally love the great outdoors. Living an active lifestyle is part of owning a pet, because our pets need to remain as active as we do. We enjoy nutritious, natural food and seek out companies who are able to provide items that are natural, nutritious and made in the USA.

That’s one of the things we like most about Only Natural Pet Store.  Like those in Boulder, residents in our neck of the woods (Arizona) are also blessed with temperate conditions for most of the year. This allows us to spend a lot of time outdoors with our pets. This quality of life is reflected in the high quality of products they choose to carry at Only Natural Pets.

We recently had the opportunity to speak with Alyse Stark, Store Manager at Only Natural Pet in Boulder, Colorado. As an Only Natural Pet Nutrition Consultant, she is committed to helping you find the right natural pet food.

“Proponents of a grain based diet for dogs argue that grains increase protein content and are a good source of necessary nutrients,” said Alyse Stark, Store Manager at Only Natural Pet in Boulder, Colorado in her Only Natural Pet blog.  “In the case of working breeds or active sporting dogs that digest and assimilate grains well, they may benefit from the higher carbohydrate content of a grain based diet.”

Only Natural Pet carries a complete line of natural pet supplies formulated by a holistic veterinarian to be biologically appropriate for cats and dogs. What started as a labor of love online to provide only natural pet products has branched out into several stores and a private label pet food called ONP. Recently, Pet360 has engaged in an exclusive contract with Only Natural Pet to carry their line of high-quality, all-natural pet products.

The products that Only Natural Pet stores carry have met rigorous standards and are guaranteed to be safe and effective for pets. Since they are committed to a healthy lifestyle, they take a lot of pride in finding innovative health solutions for pets that are effective and sustainable. They utilize holistic veterinarians to evaluate products and an entire board of advisers to research, review and write about the science behind their products.

This year, they are partnering with Pet360 on a private label collection of sustainable solutions to help your pets stay healthy and happy.

We hope you’ll check out the new online store in partnership with Pet360, which opens today. We think you’ll find that the Only Natural Pet brand is committed to providing the highest-quality supplies, while keeping costs reasonable.

“Natural for us isn’t just a fad; it’s a value that we cherish,” said Stark. “And as we continue to grow, we’ll use it as a foundation for every decision we make.”

This post is sponsored by Only Natural Pet on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Only Natural Pet, but PetsWeekly only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Only Natural Pet is not responsible for the content of this article.