Herbal Supplements for Pets: Rosemary

Recently, we’ve seen many pet foods and pet products that include the classic herb, rosemary in their pet food formulations and skin care remedies.

Not only does it smell divine, but it’s been used throughout history for everything from general healing to improving memory.

There is a very good reason for this, as rosemary has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years. It’s official name comes from ros (latin for “dew”) and marinus (greek for “sea”). Literally translated, the name means “Dew of the sea.”

Rosemary contains many biologically active compounds, and today we’re going to look at the safety and efficacy of a few of them:

Carnosicacid To Protect Brain

Rosemary (and also Sage) has a high concentration of the phytochemical, carnosic acid.

It’s believed that Carnosic Acid has a many benefits, not the least of which is it’s function in protecting the brain from oxidative free radical damage. It may also be helpful in breaking down fats in the body, which can aid in weight loss for pets and people.

Camphor Treats Fungal Infections

Camphor is often used to reduce itching and relieve pain. It’s been thought that camphor can even treat fungal infections. Since it occurs naturally in rosemary, it’s added benefits are obvious.

Caffeic Acid Reduces Fatigue

Caffeic Acid is found in many plants, including Rosemary, but not many are familiar with its benefits.

Caffeic Acid helps boost athletic performance and reduce fatigue, so it can very beneficial to all who take it – particularly athletic dogs.

Ursolic Acid Aids Muscle Growth

Ursolic acid can help improve and support muscle growth, particularly skeletal muscle.

Interestingly enough, this acid also helps resist obesity and can reduce fatty liver disease as well as glucose intolerance. This can be an important acid for those who often consume a high-fat diet.

Betulinic Acid Acts As Anti-inflammatory

This is a naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpenoid, which is a fancy way of saying it has a unique chemical makeup.

It’s been proven to be a natural antimalarial and it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Recently, it’s been considered as a possible way to prevent against cancer.

Rosamanol are Antioxidants

Rosamanol, which is the most polar phytochemical compound in rosemary, are antioxidants that can assist your pet in fighting off cancer. It can also aid in helping your pet make a faster recovery when they have been ill.

 Rosemary acts as a natural pest repellent and can help fight off fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes

Rosemary in Pest Control

Not only does Rosemary offer many healing qualities, it also acts as a repellent and helps fight off fleas and ticks, as well as other pesky critters, in a completely natural environment.

Like all essential oils and natural products, you must exercise caution in giving it to your pets. Some animals have no tolerance for it, others do incredibly well with it. You should always discuss the best options for your pets with a holistic veterinarian. Click here to find a holistic veterinarian in your area.

Just because a product is natural does not mean it is right or safe for all animals.

This is particularly true if you’re using a high-quality essential oil. These oils are highly concentrated and only the smallest, most dilute amounts should be given to pets. Remember that they should never be applied to cats, rabbits or diffused around birds without the advice of a holistic veterinarian.

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