FURminator: The Newest Long Awaited Products are Here!

Pets shed. If you live in the Southwest, they shed year-round. It’s one of those certainties of life that all pet owners learn to live with. If you’re smart, you’ll learn to conquer shedding by using the latest and greatest products from FURminator.

As you all know, PetsWeekly has been a long-time fan of the FURminator products and we have all urged you to purchase them – a lot. It’s not because we have a stake in the company, in fact – there is nothing in it for us when we recommend any products – which is why it’s important that you listen to me now.

[note style=”5″ icon=”yes” class=”template-style”]We received products for review. This has not impacted our article.[/note]

Run down the store, purchase the newest brush from FURminator, try it out on your pets and then just see for yourself why we recommend it so highly. It’s not just something that brushes away the “excess” hair that your dog is already shedding. It removes the undercoat as well, which is really where all shedding comes from.

Not many brushes can pull that off. In fact, I’ve only seen one brand that can handle something as dense as my coyote/wolf hybrid’s coat. And while I originally planned to have a video of us using the brush on Tristan, our new site is not quite ready to accept video clips. So – stay tuned. As soon as finish the new upload, we intend to DEMONSTRATE why this brush is so successful.

Meanwhile, you’ll have to take my word for it. Here are the four latest and greatest new products from FURminator:

DeShedding Tool with FUR Ejector:
This is my favorite of the new products. With an easy to push button that ejects the hair so you’re not getting your hands completely filthy. Simply brush the animal, eject the hair, and start again. This is a great product that I know will make everyone’s life a lot easier. Prices range from $23 – $45.

DeShedding Tool with Double Edge:
I had mixed feelings on this product. I liked it, I found it to be effective, but I’m not really sure it was any more effective than the regular edge. It’s hard to say. We brushed one-half of Tristan with the single edge, one-half of him with the double edge. Neither myself nor my husband could determine a huge difference in each side. So – while I do like the product, I don’t love it. Prices range from $40 – $55.

TubNub Bathing Brush:
If only they would create this product for humans. Something that a dog could hold so I could be massaged while getting a bath. No wait, that would be weird… I guess what I’m trying to say is that while I was using this product to give my restless dogs baths, I didn’t have nearly as much struggle from them as I usually do. And that’s a good thing… Check out the Tub Nub Bathing Brush by clicking here.
Prices range from $18-$25.

Super Absorbent Microfiber Towel:
This is super towell that can be used just about any time. Use it to absorb water after a swim, or after a rainstorm while avoiding mud. The super-absorbent, very soft towel  makes bathing your dog faster and easier. We were surprised to see that it absorbs  a LOT more water than we thought, and it was very effective in getting the dog dry before they could get us wet. We’re docking it one paw because we would love it even more if they came out with different patterns and colors for our crazy canines.
Prices range from $13-$18.

Each of these products were:

Our Pets’ Rating


Safety: NOTE: It can be difficult to use on certain breeds, so check out their chart of safe dog and cat breeds here.


Cost: NOTE: They are a little pricy, but well worth the few extra bucks!

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