Choosing the Right Pet Box

Subscription boxes for pets are all the rage. For a fixed monthly fee, you can have a carefully curated box of pet supplies shipped right to your front door. It’s a fun way to explore new products before you buy and learn about new products that your pets might love.

But before you sign up for that subscription box service, we wanted to let you know what’s available and tell you a little about what we like (and don’t like). This is a quick look at what we learned about the choices you have:


Get Pet Box is our personal favorite. We love that we can select our own products or be surprised with ones that are curated for us, the staff at Get Pet Box have excellent taste, and we really like that the boxes are delivered within a week of ordering – we’re not beholden to any specific ship dates. We also love that they have options for both dogs and cats, and that they also allow you to mix products into one box for both species.

Get Pet Box works on a point system if you decide you want to select your own items. Naturally, we migrated towards the higher-point products, which mean fewer items in the box. Our first box, which we allowed them to curate for us, included:

Our Second Box, which we selected using the point system, included

While BarkBox is a close second, it doesn’t have an option for cats and it doesn’t allow you to choose your own selections. As control freaks and cat parents, we have to have those options. Several of the more common options are no longer around, or are no longer accepting subscriptions.

Here are our notes on a few other subscription boxes we located:

These types of programs are fantastic ways to learn more about new toys, new treats, and give your pets a chance to try new foods before making a commitment. See for yourself!

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