AZ Power Paws Needs Puppy Raisers

AZ Power Paws is in need of some special people who love dogs! As a Puppy Raiser you will play an essential part in making sure your puppy receives the proper socialization and training needed to help adjust to the important job it will be doing later on in life.

It will be your responsibility to socialize the puppy as much as you can. Take the puppy everywhere. Expose it to as many different situations as possible (construction sites, heavy traffic areas, animals, children). A well socialized puppy will have fewer adjustments to make when it comes in for final training.

It will be your responsibility, in conjunction with our trainer, to teach the puppy 90 commands from basic obedience, to turning off and on lights or opening and closing doors.

It will be your responsibility to attend three meetings per month. During these meetings, we go to different locations to expose the puppies to as many situations as possible.  We offer 3 to 4 training meetings per week in different locations in the East Valley, including Ahwatukee/Tempe, East Mesa, South Scottsdale/Tempe, and Scottsdale/PV areas.

The puppy returns to Power Paws for final training between fourteen and twenty four months of age. When the puppy graduates, you will be able to turn over the leash to the new owner during the graduation ceremony.

From turn-in to graduation there is no visiting allowed due to the need to establish a bond between the recipient and the puppy. You may call to see how the puppy is doing while in training. The ultimate reward for the Puppy Raisers is to meet the recipient of the dog they raised at the graduation ceremony, and witness the life they have helped to change.

If you are interested in becoming a Puppy Raiser, check out the responsibilities and requirements.  All new Puppy Raisers and those waiting to become Puppy Raisers must go through Volunteer Orientation.

* Application (PDF)

* Veterinarian Report (PDF)

Puppy Raisers: The puppies are placed in foster homes between six and eight weeks of age. The volunteer foster families are called Puppy Raisers.

All first-time applicants must fill out applications and have an in-home interview before a puppy is placed. Raisers must live in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Children and pets in the household are a plus. At the time of placement the Puppy Raiser receives a starter crate, a manual on Puppy Raising, an I.D. card, and a starter collar.

All items purchased, and vet care for the puppy is tax deductible.