Regaining a Friend – Weight Loss with HillsPet Metabolic Diet

We don’t always know our pets are gaining weight. Sometimes it sneaks in gradually, just as it does with humans, until one day we wake up and look in the mirror thinking, “When did this happen?”

Each animal poses unique challenges when it comes to weight gain. They are, after all, much like humans.  What my thin friend can safely eat, I cannot without paying the price in weight gain. And sometimes, it’s not overeating that causes weight gain, it’s the way your pet processes their food.

But, to help an animal, you have to reach the owner. And no one wants to hear that their pet is overweight.

Bear is one such pet.

[note icon=”yes”]This post is sponsored by #Hillspet. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Food, but PetsWeekly only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.[/note]

Take a moment to watch this touching, real-life story about Bear – a large, good natured dog who simply processes his food differently. His parents didn’t know what to do – they had tried decreasing food portions, decreasing frequency, feeding smaller meals more often, and lots of nutritional counseling from their veterinarian.

Bear’s weight gain began to affect their relationship with him, not to mention decreasing his life expectancy and causing other issues. Weight gain brings with it a slew of health problems, which can shave years off your pet’s life.

The solution turned out to be a simple one. Bear needed to be fed a food that worked with his body, that corrected his slow metabolism, but kept him feeling full.

The result was a happier dog, a stronger relationship between Bear and his humans, and a longer lifespan.

There is a transformation that occurs when feeding Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution foods to pets who need to lose weight. It’s an easy way to help pets lose weight and maintain that weight loss over time. Just like Bear’s parents, you can expect to see a leaner, happier pet in sixty days. In fact, 88 percent of pets lost weight in trials during that short time span – and the only thing that changed was their diet.

While eating Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution, an overweight animal’s metabolism changes to act more like that of a lean animal. Even after weight loss is achieved, the highly efficient energy metabolism profile is maintained. Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution provides clinically proven nutrition that naturally activates metabolism to burn calories and regulate appetite. Your pet’s quality of life and relationship with your family is impacted because that extra weight can reduce play time, impact mobility and affect the lifelong general health of your dog.

As Bear’s dad so eloquently put it, “I gained a friend.”

The fact is, when our pets feel good, it’s like getting our old friend back into our lives.

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