Protecting Our Water with PoopBuddy

Water is a precious resource for every species on Earth. We’re fortunate because in North America, we have many water resources. But, probably because we have the ability to turn on a faucet and pour ourselves a cup of water, we tend to take it for granted. It’s a resource we should be fiercely protecting, and if you have pets of any kind, it’s part of our responsibility to care for resources.

Most of our contamination comes from humans. But, dog waste is the third largest cause of water pollution.

Every gram of dog poop becomes home to 23M fecal bacteria. Bacteria seeps into the soil, are absorbed by groundwater, washed into storm drains, are filtered through the waste-water treatment system and flow out the tap.

If that’s not enough reason, Seattle Public Services estimates, “there are bacteria and micro-organisms in pet waste such as Roundworms, E. coli, and Giardia that can make people sick if they’re ingested. Some can last in your yard for as long as four years if not cleaned up.” When pet waste is eventually washed into the storm drain it ends up in lakes, streams or marine water, and people can accidentally swallow bacteria and other disease-causing organisms while swimming or playing in the water.

[note icon=”yes”]Sadly, PoopBuddy is  no longer in operation. However, we encourage you to use the information available in this article to protect our water supply by cleaning up your pet’s feces. We received product samples from the company mentioned above, however our opinions are our own and we are under no obligation to create a positive review or article. We occasionally utilize affiliate links when linking out to products.[/note]

Pet waste is a big problem, but there are a few things you can do, and that includes cleaning up after your pet. PoopBuddy offers an interesting new program that delivers rolls of designer waste bags right to your mailbox.

This is a great way to pick up after your pet in a fashionable manner! Better yet, Poop Buddy donates 10% to WWF and dog rescue organizations.

The process is simple – get your poop bags delivered each month by signing up for their monthly service. You’ll get (at least) 80 bags per month in new colors, patterns and styles – enough to last 2-3 walks per day. Accessories and treats are included in each monthly delivery at no additional cost.

For example, October’s delivery included a very handy LED flashlight that has room for the bags (and is handy for night walks), and Pooyah!, a simple all-natural mixture that eliminates dangerous bacteria and odor. Just sprinkle it on the poop.

This is a great gift idea or just a handy way of getting monthly deliveries of bags that don’t look like bags. We think you’re going to love this service!

Do your part to keep our ground water safe and make sure you clean up after your pets. It could be your own life you save!

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