How to Celebrate National Bird Day

Soaring through the calendar year, we land on a date filled with chirps, whistles, and joyful squawks – it’s National Bird Day! Every year, on September 17th, we take flight to celebrate the wonder of our feathered companions, both wild and beloved pets. Whether you’re a seasoned bird whisperer or simply captivated by their beauty, this day is your chance to embrace the avian world and spread your love for our winged friends.

Why a Day for Birds?

National Bird Day wasn’t hatched overnight. It was brought to life in 2019 by the Bird Enjoyment & Advantage Koalition (BEAK), an organization dedicated to promoting responsible bird ownership and enriching the lives of both birds and humans. This day serves as a dual call to action:

So, how can you embrace National Bird Day and make it a truly flock-tastic occasion? Here are some ideas to get your wings flapping:

For the Pet Bird Parent:

For the Wild Bird Enthusiast:

Remember: Whether you have a beloved pet bird at home or simply admire the avian wonders outdoors, National Bird Day is a day to celebrate their beauty, intelligence, and vital role in our ecosystem. Let’s use this day to spread awareness, ensure responsible bird care, and embrace the joy these feathered friends bring to our lives. So, grab your binoculars, build a birdhouse, or simply step outside and listen to the birdsong. Let’s celebrate National Bird Day with a chorus of appreciation for all things feathered!

Celebrate your birds, wildlife and nature on this wonderful day!