A Beginner’s Guide to Colorful Chicken Eggs

Welcome, new chicken owners, to a world of feathery friends and yolks of every hue! Forget the boring white and beige of grocery store cartons – your backyard coop can be a rainbow of eggshells, bursting with vibrant colors and exciting possibilities. But before you start collecting a basket fit for Easter Sunday, let’s crack the code of colorful chicken eggs.

What Determines Egg Color in Chickens?

Chickens can produce a rainbow of colorful eggs! Not just white and brown, but olive, green, blue, and more! While the color doesn’t affect how tasty or healthy the egg is, it can matter to farmers and chicken keepers because some folks like certain colors more than others.

Colors are determined by several factors – primarily the chicken’s family tree (genetics) and its surroundings. While there is a lot involved with genetics, science and food, we’re breaking it down into easy terms. Three special paints in the chicken’s body, called pigments, are responsible for all the shades you see.

Breeds like Ameraucanas have that allows biliverdin to deposit as oocyanin, creating stunning blue eggs.

Feed Quality: Friend or Foe of Color?

While genetics set the stage for our feathered friends’ egg color potential, their diet can play a subtle supporting role in the final masterpiece. Think of it as tweaking the lighting on a stunning painting – though you can’t change the strokes themselves, you can enhance the vibrancy or add subtle shades. This is where “what you feed your chickens” really matters…


These colorful pigments found in many plants like marigolds, peppers, and alfalfa can enrich the yolk’s hue. Imagine adding a golden shimmer to your Ameraucana’s turquoise masterpiece or intensifying the orange glow of a Rhode Island Red’s yolk. Remember, though, food can’t change the shell color itself – it just adds a radiant bonus to the existing one.

Fats and Oils

While high-fat diets won’t magically turn white eggs brown, they can slightly influence the depth of color in naturally colored eggs. Think of it as adding a richer tone to your chocolate-brown Marans eggs or deepening the golden glow of an Olive Egger’s olive masterpiece. However, excessive fats can also negatively impact other aspects of egg quality, so moderation is key.

Minerals and Vitamins

Certain minerals like zinc and copper can play a role in ensuring the pigments responsible for color are properly absorbed and utilized. Think of it as providing the brushes and paints for the chicken’s internal artist to work with. While a deficiency can slightly dull the colors, a balanced diet with proper mineral levels is typically sufficient.

Overall Nutrition

It’s important to remember that a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for optimal egg production and overall chicken health. While specific foods can tweak the color slightly, prioritizing a nutritionally complete diet will ensure your hens are laying their best eggs from the inside out.

The Verdict on Taste: Does Color Matter?

Rest assured, the color of your chicken’s egg has no bearing on its taste or nutritional value. Whether you’re cracking open a cool blue Ameraucana or a classic white Leghorn, the delicious golden yolk inside is a nutritional powerhouse packed with protein, choline, and essential vitamins. So, feel free to mix and match your rainbow eggs in your morning scramble – your taste buds won’t be able to tell the difference!

Meet the Hens Behind the Hues

Now, let’s meet some of the feathered artists behind these vibrant masterpieces:

If you’re wondering where you can obtain some of these amazing chickens to add to your flock, we suggest searching This is a HUGE forum of chicken information by local and professional keepers around the world.

Beyond the Rainbow: A World of Speckles and Spots

While solid colors are eye-catching, don’t underestimate the charm of speckled and spotted eggs. Plymouth Rock hens lay handsome brown eggs speckled with dark brown, while Orpingtons bless you with eggs adorned with speckles of pink or cream. These rustic beauties add a touch of whimsy to any breakfast.


So, crack open a world of possibilities and embrace the vibrant spectrum of your hens’ creations. With a little knowledge and a lot of love, your coop can become a canvas of colorful eggs, a testament to the wonder and beauty of nature’s little feathered wonders.