He is also a veterans’ advocate, environmentalist, animal rights activist, animal rescue worker, and proud member of The World Wildlife Fund, The National Wildlife Federation, Defenders of Wildlife, The Humane Society of the United States, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and Alley Cat Allies.
Ed has published six nature, historical fiction, and animal related books, and his Katrina book, Through Katrina’s Eyes, Poems from an Animal Rescuer’s Soul, is the recipient of the 2006 Merial Corporation Human-Animal Bond Award. His animal memoir, Curious Creatures – Wondrous Waifs, My Life With Animals, was awarded a Certificate of Excellence in the 2004 International Cat Writers’ Association Communication Contest.
And his latest book, Where The Redwing Sings, is dedicated to today’s children – Earth’s only hope for a better tomorrow. It has recently won the Poetry Category in the 2009 Green Book Festival.
Ed’s nature and animal related articles, stories, poems, and professional reviews of his books have appeared on The Animal Planet and Discovery websites; The Midwest Book Review; WGN Radio; the nationally syndicated Animal Radio Network; Animal People Newspaper; Audubon Society and various pet rescue organization newsletters; The Best Friends Animal Society Network; Kinship Circle; PetLife Magazine; Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul; Catholic Digest; The Copperfield Review – A Journal of Historical Fiction, GRIT Magazine; Poetry Life and Times; America’s Rivers; The Almanac For Farmers & City Folk; Pets: Part of the Family Magazine; I Love Cats Magazine; The Cat Site; PetsWeekly.com; and The Daily Mews.
He has been interviewed regarding his veteran and animal advocacy work on several radio stations; on nationally syndicated All Pets Radio; and on the National Progressive Radio Network.
Ed was also awarded a 2004 True Grit Award by GRIT Magazine for his veteran and animal advocacy work, and several of his Katrina animal rescue poems can be found on http://www.allpetsradio.com
His tribute to the animals of the world, and for our need to help preserve nature and Earth’s wild animals for future generations to come can be found at: http://www.myspace.com/edkostro
And many of his cat related articles, stories, and poems can be found at: www.thedailymews.com/edkostrointro.htm
Ed currently resides at haunted old Thornwood Manor with his lovely wife, Rebecca, several adopted pets, and several more that he rescued in the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.