The Ultimate Guide to All Things Kitten

Awhile back, we had the pleasure of meeting Kitty Wrangler (her official title) Laurie Cinotto, the founder of The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, at an event we attended. Laurie is one of the biggest kitten rescuers we’ve ever met and knows more about cats than we can ever begin to learn. This is why we were so thrilled to see her newest book hit the shelves this month.

The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: The Ultimate Guide to All Things Kitten is “the” book you’ll want to have if you foster, rescue, have or even just “like to see” kittens.

The photos in this book are wonderful and the kittens range in ages from a few hours old to a few adults. But, all of them are beautiful, charming and as filled with purr-sonality as Laurie’s writing style.

There are many sections in this book, including “While you were sleeping” and “Kitty Comics: the Homes-chooled Kitten”. The sections I found most helpful in raising kittens include an informative chart about what you need before “bringing home baby”, “the importance of playtime” which includes some fun, easy-to-make toys you can create at home, “Kitten Communication” and oh, so much more!

We found the section on kitten baths very helpful and we loved the many ideas for kitten playtime. Fishing for Prizes is a fun game that entails many empty rolls of toilet paper and a collection of prizes that can be inserted inside each roll, then are stacked to create a pyramid of prizes. We will definitely be trying that with our cats!

Finally, there is a wonderful section on how to take better kitten pictures – which we’ll be implementing into our daily routine fo learning how to take better photos (for your entertainment, of course!).

I could literally stare at the hundreds of pictures forever. If you’re like me, and subject to moods of “kitten withdrawal,” buy this book… The section on “kitty naughtiness” is absolutely adorable. We know you will love it as much as we did!

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