Miss Kitty’s Cat House

It’s hard to know where to begin. You see, there’s this house — a little old cottage, really — that is occupied by 25 cats. Comfortable, well fed, proprietary cats. They might as well own the place. In a way, they do.

When my friend and I visited, there was one volunteer on hand, but I didn’t get the impression that the cats really cared.

The point of Miss Kitty’s is that it is a real home for cats who’ve lost their homes. The place is clean, reasonably odor-free and even has kitchen cabinets that are partially open so that cats like my Max (who hates closed doors) can explore to their hearts’ content.

Everywhere you look, there are comfy cat accessories & hiding places and plenty of sleeping places. After all, that’s what most cats spend most of their time doing — sleeping. Miss Kitty’s is no exception.

Cat castles, cat baskets, cat pillows. You name it, they’ve got it. The house was surprisingly uncrowded. I would never have guessed that there were 25 cats in residence — maybe as many as eight or nine was what it looked like.

Like many cats, looking out the window is a way to pass the time. And if the animal above really wanted to go out, provision is made for that, too, with more cat amenities in the outdoor run.

All the cats at Miss Kitty’s are available for adoption. If they don’t find the right people, they have a splendid home for life.

This is a recent letter to the editor, taken from The Daily Courier, Prescott’s newspaper.

Letter: Miss Kitty’s takes allergic man’s ‘boys’


Miss Kitty’s Cat House to the rescue.

I have been battling allergies for about three years and all indications were that my cats had something to do with it.

I have had cats all of my life and I was skeptical that they were causing my problem. But after thousands of dollars in doctors visits and testing I decided to give up my two Flame Point Siamese brothers (Ben and Jerry) to adoption.

I decided Miss Kitty’s was the one for me and my boys. The fact they don’t use cages was the biggest reason. But cats are very territorial, so their first day was a little tough. I stayed a while to help in their new lifestyle change.

I go to visit them once a week or so still and the people at Miss Kitty’s completely understand and are very supportive in my interests there. I am happy to report that the boys have adjusted well to their new but temporary home and act as though they are at recess from grammar school there. They have toys, beds and cat trees to use there in a clean environment. The staff at Miss Kitty’s are first-rate and they understand and love cats. I don’t think my boys really miss me all that much now after being there for four weeks, but they so need a permanent and loving home. They have so much affection to give the right person and I miss them greatly.

Thank you, Miss Kitty’s, for the great work you do for all the cats in their temporary situations.

Ken Jones


Visit Miss Kitty’s Cat House in Prescott Arizona.

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