URI and Vaccinations

Dr. Coughlin,

I have a kitten that I got form Humane Society. It had a cough & sneezes. Took it to a vet & got medicine for it. Vet said it was upper respiratory infection. A week after meds are finished, she is a lot better & her eyes aren’t gooky any more but she still has a bit of a cough & sneezes.

Her chest is not wheezy any more. Vet said something about it evidently being virule (?) . Is there anything I can do? Have to have her spayed in about 6 weeks & am afraid of her being put under for the surgery. Have just lost my bestest friend end of Nov. A cat I had delivered & fed because her mom couldn’t. She was only 10 1/2 years old. Am so afraid of something happening to this little one. She is a bit over 4 months old.

Will be so grateful for any possible help you may be able to give me.

Many thanks,
Kathy D


Dear Kathy,

I’m sorry about your loss last year. It’s always difficult to lose our loved ones. But, you have a chance to help another creature now and it should not be a problem.

Your kitten most likely had a viral infection. It’s very common in places where there are a large number of pets being boarded. Your kitten should be fine for spaying at 6 months of age. You should, however, bring your kitten in for booster vaccinations and also for physical exams periodically until your kitten is fully vaccinated.

As usual, your veterinarian should examine the cat before he/she is put under anesthesia to be sure it’s safe.

Best of luck with your new kitten!

Lori L Coughlin, DVM

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