Kathrine Breeden

I came to the United States from London, England in 1999 and lived in Texas until 2013 when my husband and I moved to Chandler, AZ with our three dogs. It was a long drive!

I’ve been providing customized personal dog training and behavioral consults since 2004. A detailed biography is available on my website. The methods I use are what is known as “Force Free” which means I do not use or recommend the use of anything which will frighten or hurt the dogs. I love the motto “Use Your Brain Not Pain to Train” !

I was one of the first trainers to be Licensed by Victoria Stilwell from the TV Show on Animal Planet “It’s Me Or The Dog” and I am proud to be part of her Positively Dog Training Team.

I specialize in behavioral issues, e.g. dog-dog and dog-human aggression, multi-dog households, excessive barking, leash reactivity, fear of strangers, storm phobia, separation anxiety, destructive behavior, digging & chewing, housetraining problems and marking inside, counter surfing, chasing the family cat, problems travelling in the car, being groomed/nail trims, and much more!

I particularly love to help people when they get a puppy so they can avoid all the above problems!

I am a Full Member of the Pet Professional Guild (partners with the Journal of Veterinary Behavior), Supporting  Member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, a Full Member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and a Member of Truly Dog Friendly.

Many of my written tips can be found on the Group called Be Kind To Dogs on Facebook (click on the Files tab at the top of the home page).

There are numerous wonderful videos to be found on the channel of a trainer called Emily Larlham who goes by the name “Kikopup” on You Tube. She does use a clicker but you don’t have to, you can substitute a simple “good” instead.
If you ever find yourself in a discussion about the merits or otherwise of Cesar Millan and his methods, please refer to this website.  You will find position statements from veterinarian behaviorists, humane societies, world renown trainers, animal advocates and many more.

If you ever have any questions about your dog’s behavior feel free to contact me! and remember, always, “Be Kind To Dogs” !

For more information, you can reach me at:

Kathrine Breeden, VSPDT


Facebook Group Page: “Be Kind To Dogs”